viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

Yucatec Maya Language

Yucatec MayaEnglish
Pronunciation of
western Yucatán,
northern Campeche
and Central Quintana Roo
Normal translationLiteral translation
Bix a beel?Bix a beh?How are you?How is your road?
Maʼalob, kux teech?Good, and you?Not bad, as for you?
Bey xan teen.Same with me.Thus also to me.
Tuʼux ka bin?Where are you going?Where do you go?
T(áan) in bin xíimbal.I am going for a walk.
Bix a kʼaabaʼ?What is your name?How are you named?
In kʼaabaʼeʼ Jorge.My name is Jorge.My name, Jorge.
Jach kiʼimak in wóol in wilikech.Pleased to meet you.Very happy my heart to see you.
Baʼax ka waʼalik?What's up?What (are) you saying?
What do you say?
Mix baʼal.Mix baʼah.Nothing.
Don't mention it.
No thing.
Bix a wilik?How does it look?How you see (it)?
Jach maʼalob.Very good.Very not-bad
Koʼox!Let's go! (For two people - you and I)
Koʼoneʼex!Let's go! (For a group of people)
Baʼax a kʼáat?What do you want?
(Tak) sáamal.Aasta sáamah.See you tomorrow.Until tomorrow.
Jach Dios boʼotik.Thank you.
God bless you very much.
Very much God pays (it).

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